airsoft is a MILSIM....in other words...military simulation...it involves fully and highly equipped military gear and replica rifle in this game....this game tadela gune real bullet but it uses small plastic pallets around 6mm in diameter as the bullet or called as BBs.....i will attach a few pic as reference to the readers.....actually this game almost the same as paintball....tap airsoft ni lagi real la die pnye rifle...klau painball kte panggil markers....tap airsoft ni aku xtau la nk pnggil ape....aku panggil "pancing"....

Jungle combat CQB
Now its about gameplay...the rule is juz like paintball...but paintball klau kene shoot dgn opponents nmpk kesan kat our body coz of the coloured pallets kan....and BBs doest leave any mark sbb its plastic....klau nk nmpk mark...kau tak pyah la nk pkai heavy gear....kau pkai singlet dgn bokser je....haaa...mmg bykla bintat2 bdan kau....hahaha....the gameplay plak byk...
1. CQB/CQC-close quarter battle/close quarter combat.....mostly played game dalam warehouse and involve engagement of weapon in small unit and in short distance...our local heroes yg slalu involve dlam CQB scenario PASKAL PASKAU and GGK.....mostly in ambush, hostages and VIP rescue, sabotage....in airsoft explosive device pn digunakan seperti grenade dan smoke grenade...but in small capability scale due to safety factor.
2.Jungle battle.....scenario yg ni players main dlm keadaan hutan belukar....mostly players akan pkai jungle camouflage utk menyerupai keadaan hutan....tap ade jgak player yg menggunakan digital camo macam US Army pnye camo tu..
for safety protection plak players are required to wear eye and face protection..high speed BBs up to 50m/s to 210ft/s can get you blinded....full face masks like paintball players pkai tu pn amat digalakkan.....aku pnah kne headshot dgn sebijik pallet time men paintball dlu mmg menyebabkan kpale hang sebentar.....lebam jgak kpale aku 2-3 hari....
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