this volks started around 1931 , when Ferdinand Porsche and Zündapp developed the Porsche Type 12, or "Auto für Jedermann" (car for everybody). ni zaman around2 nazi tgh power laaa...Zundapp used 5 cylinder radial engine to run this car and three prototypes were running at that time. tap malngnye kn...sume kete yg pakcik ferdinand dgn zundapp wat tu sume telah jahanam dgn brjayenye bile brlaku bombing raid kat stuttgart in 1945.
x serik2 dan tanak mengalah..pakcik hitler ni plak telah suruh Ferdinand Porche ni develop satu lagi kete yg dberi name Volkswagen or known as "people's car" in German. To fulfill market demand...hitler telah mengarahkn supaye kete bugs ni nti at least mmpu bwk 2 adults n 3 children...mmg ngam la..sebab hitler ade satu bini n 3 anak...(fact ni aku x okay)...
obses dgn kelajuan...hitler ni plak nk kete in production tu nti msti at least xceed 100kmh...(zaman tu 100kmh dh kre laju gle)
Tatra V570 (prototype 1933)

all these beetles cars are influenced by the design of Tatra V570....mcm kete kebal pn ade....klau xde kete ni xdela kete beetle yg legend smpai skng...
*YOU i blikn kete ni je okay...lagi cun laaa...xdela mhal sgt...klau nk yg roadster version nti g
kdai halfcut sruh kdai tu potong rooftop kay...
1949 Volkswagen Type 1

after production up to year 1945...volks produced the latest version named Volkswagen Type1....haaa..yg ni design die sopan la sket kn....yg design Tatra V570 xde rupe kete family....this shows that germans know how to design car laaa...i thought germans tau design destroyer vessels je....luckily la x dipsngnye turret kat atas kete tu....maklumla zaman world war...sume nk design perang...

around year 1953-1967 merupkan zaman ketamadunan volks...klau kte lihat all the designs sume dh ade rupe rim pn dh lwa..xdela mcm rim kete kude...during 1951...research had been done and the engineers have invented 1.3L prototype diesel engine that were fixed into Type 1 and Type 2 beetles. Volkswagen made only 2 air-cooled boxer diesel engines that were not turbocharged and they have proven in Nurburgring that it can run 0-100kmh in 60 seconds...hahaha...skng 0-100 juz below 3 seconds nk dekat seminit...bek aku nek beskal....klau tgk design tu..volks dh reti la nk wat convertible version...kau pkai kete ni kat malaysia jp2 je hujan..x pyh la derr....

in 1994 volks has evolved again and become a more matured car company..volks has unveiled the "Concept One" based on the real design of beetle.Due to strong recommendation by the publics, volks launched the New Beetle based on the Volkswagon Golf IV platform.New beetles are manufactured at Volkswagen Group's Puebla, Mexico assembly plant where the last line of factory-built air-cooled Beetles were removed from production.
*you bce spec kete ni btol2 then u can have one =) la lifeline volks beetle....i just write what i know...correct me if im wrong...
lange Lebensdauer Beetle
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